David uses energy, consciousness, wisdom, and humor to inspire people and organizations to find balance and thrive in a world of extremes.
He has been a featured personality, panelist, and keynote speaker at some of the largest spiritual expos and festivals throughout the United States, such as the Conscious Life Expo and the Zen Awakening Festival.
Also, he has addressed locally both clinicians and laypeople in Southern California as a lecturer at the death and dying symposium All Day Immersion Into Death at La Casa de Maria in Montecito and as a workshop presenter at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura.
Recently, he has been a college and university keynote speaker in India on both economy and climate change, was a panelist at the Nobel Peace Center during Nobel Prize Week, and keynoted on impact investing for the United Nations Association (Young Professionals). He has also presented at family office and private wealth conferences and for the international think tank Horasis at their Global Meeting. He has even presented in at an event in Davos during World Economic Forum.
He has been on numerous podcasts and been interviewed by media, including at the New York Stock Exchange by Fintech.tv.
The Power of People
Harness the human resource to alter the course of lives, organizations, and economies. |
Impact Investing and Climate Change
Bring money makers and change makers together to invest in our climate future. |
F*** the Fear, Seize the Power
Turn your fear into power; use it to accomplish your goals; it’s all energy. |
David’s unique style is dynamic, straightforward, and at times shocking. Interested?